天喜研析 | 国际贸易术语解释通则(2020)最新评析
- 将DAT修改为DPU
In the previous version of the Incoterms® from the year 2010, DAT (Delivered at Terminal) meant that goods are considered to be delivered as soon as they have been unloaded at the agreed-upon terminal. In the feedback gathered by ICC, users requested an Incoterm which includes delivery to a different place, e.g. a factory site. This is why DAT has now been replaced with the more general wording DPU (Delivered at Place Unloaded).
相较于贸易术语解释通则2010,新版通则将贸易术语DAT(Deliver at Terminal)改为了DPU (Delivered at Place Unloaded)。其中主要的变化是将交货地点从单一的“码头”改为了更广义、更具有一般性的“卸货地点”。国际商会解释的原因是,根据实践中接收到很多反馈,越来越多的买卖双方对于希望货物的交付地点不仅仅限于码头,例如工厂、货仓等其它地点。为了满足买卖双方对于约定交付地点的任意性的需求,国际商会将DAT变更为DPU,使其更加具有普遍适用性。
- 允许FCA术语下适用货交承运人提单
Free Carrier (FCA) has been revised for Incoterms® 2020 to cater to a situation where goods are sold FCA for carriage by sea and buyer or seller (or either party’s bank) requests a bill of lading with an on-board notation. FCA now provides for the parties to agree that the buyer will instruct the carrier to issue an on-board bill of lading to the seller once the goods have been loaded on board, and for the seller then to tender the document to the buyer (often through the banks).
- 增加了CIP术语的保费覆盖范围
Under the CIF Incoterms® rule, which is reserved for use in maritime trade and is often used in commodity trading, the Institute Cargo Clauses (C) remains the default level of coverage, giving parties the option to agree to a higher level of insurance cover. Taking into account feedback from global users, the CIP Incoterms® rule now requires a higher level of cover, compliant with the Institute Cargo Clauses (A) or similar clauses.
- 允许自定义运输方式
Incoterms® 2020 recognises that not all commercial trade transactions from the seller to the buyer are conducted by a third-party carrier. In some cases, transactions are conducted without a third-party carrier at all, such as a seller using its own means of transportation, or a buyer using its own vehicle to collect goods.
- 安全义务更清晰的分配
The Incoterms® also come with a more precisely defined allocation of the relevant security requirements between buyer and seller, including the associated costs. On the one hand, this step can be seen as a reaction to the heightened security regulations in international trade. On the other hand, it is intended to prevent disputes about costs that may arise, especially at the port or point of delivery.